The following information is relevant to all ZOKU association members
The dojo (Training Hall) is the place where training takes place. Strict rules apply to all members of the association in order to maintain high standards, required in the training of
All members entering the Dojo must adhere to the following:
1) Bow on entrance and exit of the Dojo.
2) When one of the sensei's (Teachers) talks to you, you must reply "Oss!" This also applies whenever a senior grade or Sempai (Assistant Instructor) talks to you, DO NOT refer to them with their name. This can only happen when outside of the training Dojo, no matter how friendly you are.
3) No eating in the Dojo especially chewing gum.
4) No smoking in the Dojo.
5) No swearing in the Dojo.
6) You are always welcome to ask questions during a lesson. However, it's best to wait for an appropriate moment, always raise your hand and say "Oss Sensei" before your question. NEVER interrupt a Sensei. Alternatively, wait until the end of the lesson.
7) During the lesson, whilst in stances or any other technique, stay in position. DO NOT bite your nails, play with your uniform or slouch. Nothing looks worse than a line of untidy karateka, especially to new members or visitors to the club.
8) Keep your Gi (Suit) washed and clean, not necessarily ironed. Nobody wants to train next to a smelly individual. Teenagers and adults are asked to apply anti-perspirant before training.
9) No jewellery is to be worn. Flat plain studs are allowed and any wedding ring that can't be removed must be covered with a plaster.
10) Finger nails and toe nails must be clean and cut short. Hair must be clean and tied back, if long.
11) No talking during lessons, even if you are partnered up with another person. You must not talk unless you are invited to do so by a Sensei or assistant instructor.
12) No running about or pretend fighting before the lesson starts. Only light contact fighting is allowed in karate and this is only with supervision during a class.
13) DO NOT use karate at work or school for messing about or showing off. Karate should only be practised at home, during a karate class or used to defend yourself, family, or friends from a serious attacker. If a student is found to be doing karate at school (for instance), he/she may be asked to leave the association.
14) Any member that forgets their fees, when due, will not be allowed to train. Please do not embarrass yourself or an instructor by asking to train without your fees being paid.
15) Constant lateness into the class is very bad manners and this also disturbs the class in progress. All students must turn up early to get changed, warm-up, and prepare for the lesson, with a minimum of 5 minutes until the lesson starts. A student that arrives more than 10 minutes late will not be allowed to enter.
16) DO NOT wear your karate suit or show your belt in public. Cover up with a tracksuit or coat. Alternatively, copy the higher grades by getting changed before and after the lesson in the facilities provided. Parents are welcome to stay with their child while they get changed.
17) The taking of drugs is prohibited. Any students found to be taking OR intending to take these substances will be removed from the association. This is in co-operation with the doping rules made by WADA and WKF.
Conduct For Students
All Students who enter our classes should…
Have fun, act in a safe manner and encourage everyone around them to do the same.
Always respect those around them, including other students, opponents, instructors, officials and parents.
Be honest and fair in everything they do and never deliberately be dishonest.
Accept instructors’ and officials’ decisions without question or complaint.
Arrive for training and other events on time and inform someone if they will be late.
Listen carefully when spoken to and act as directed where appropriate.
Make sure you have correct uniform with you and look after it to the best of your ability. This includes suit, belt and mitts.
Make sure your hair is off your face, your finger and toe nails are short and you have no jewellery on during events.
Never upset those around you and inform an instructor if you know if someone else is upset.
Always do your best and give 100% effort in whatever you do.
As a adults and young persons taking part in martial arts, you will recognise that you are an ambassador in your discipline and others taking parts in martial arts.
Never post any photos or words on a social network site which could put yourself in danger, or embarrass yourself, your family, your club or anyone else in martial arts.
Never use martial arts outside of the training environment except in the defence of yourself, family or friends in the instance of extreme danger or unprovoked attack.
Read and understand the clubs rules and terms and conditions.
Make sure your licence is kept in date.
Procedure for unwanted behaviour
Recent studies have shown that teaching children martial arts is more effective at teaching children to behave properly, than traditional physical education or schooling.
Over the last century education has changed dramatically in schools and discipline & respect has declined. Many parents send their children to our classes, to teach their young ones discipline, respect, learning to obey rules and gain good attitude. To do this, we as instructors teach the traditional Japanese way, which may come across to some as being quite regimental/strict. We have set rules in our association and we explain from day one what behaviour is acceptable and what we expect from each student.
All bad behaviour is dealt with immediately. We have very few cases of bad behaviour occurring in our classes but minor incidences do happen from time to time.
1) a student who behaves badly is NEVER made fun of or ridiculed in front of the class
2) a student who behaves badly is NEVER handled or touched in any way
3) a student that behaves badly and has been dealt with appropriately is ALWAYS given second chances, with no hard feelings. We always accept people willing to change or improve behaviour.
4) a student who has behaved badly is ALWAYS spoken to appropriately and respectfully
For odd occasions when a student accidently lapses in their etiquette (bad word without thinking, talking out of turn, wandering about inappropriately ect) a student will be spoken to by the instructor and asked why they have been taken to one side. This allows the student to go back over their actions and figure out for themselves what they may have done. The instructor will then explain why the behaviour was not accepted and the student may get a small punishment of a few push-ups for this. This is generally enough to remind them not to repeat the behaviour. Small lapses in behaviour are expected from time to time and we can appreciate this will happen, due to having young children in the class.
For adults or children that are knowingly breaching rules. For instance, intentionally causing a nervous/bad atmosphere, aggressive behaviour, disrupting the lesson for others, using bad language, rude to others, danger to others... we do have a process that we would follow (no matter if it's an adult, or a child):
1) We take the student out of the lesson (with another instructor or 3rd party as proof of the conversation). We ask the student to explain their behaviour and then we provide them with information about why their behaviour is not acceptable and how we wish them to behave, from then on. We give the student a 'time out/cooling off period' by sitting a child at the side of the lesson for 5 minutes OR allowing an adult to go to the toilet or get a drink. The student will be called by the instructor, when they can join back in the class, with a fresh start.
2) If behaviour continues (whether in the same lesson or in the next few sessions) then the same happens as above. However, this time the parent will be told of the behaviour (if it's a child) or a written warning is given to an adult student. The conversation or letter will explain that if the behaviour continues then we will have to suspend the student from the association, for a month or more (depending on the severity of the behaviour). After the completed suspension time, they will be allowed to return to their karate training but their behaviour will be watched closely.
3) If after a suspension period the behaviour does not change OR if a student does something very bad (fighting in public, hitting another student when we are not sparring, aggressive behaviour to the instructors), then we will exclude the student from the association completely.
Although we try our very best to make respectful/well mannered people out of everyone, it is sometimes not always possible.
We can give many second chances and try our very best to change around someone that struggles with their behaviour. But, at the end of the day we do have to think about our other students welfare and the fact they are paying to be kept safe and taught well. We also have to keep all our instructors and assistant instructors safe at all times and provide an enjoyable atmosphere and association for everyone.
Conduct For Parents/Guardians of karate students under 16
All Parents/Guardians of Students who enter our classes should: …
Focus on the child’s efforts and enjoyment rather than winning or losing.
Provide positive verbal feedback after training, grading sessions and tournaments.
Encourage students to participate within the rules and regulations of the martial arts.
Congratulate all participants on their performance regardless of who they are or what the outcome.
Leave the Instructor to communicate with individual students during the session/event.
Respect the decisions of officials and teach children to do the same.
Respect Instructors, referees, judges, students and spectators.
Inform the Instructor of any injury, health or welfare issue that is appropriate for them to know.
Ensure that your child/children arrive on time and are collected promptly for training and other events.
Remember that children participate in martial arts for their enjoyment, not the parents.’
Payments to be paid regularly and on time
Always provide your child with correct, clean uniform to wear
Provide children with correct freestyle equipment (Higher Grades), otherwise they will not be able to take part in that activity.
Respect the rights, dignity, and worth of every person within martial arts. Do not downgrade any instructor or any other style.
Report any concerns you may have in relation to a young person, to the Club Welfare Officer (Sensei Sarah Fullarton)
Challenge and/or report discriminatory behaviour you may see from other parents or students.
Ensure licences are kept in date and renewal forms are handed in on time.
Read and understand the clubs rules and terms and conditions.
All Parents/Guardians of karate Students (under 16) who enter our classes should NOT…
Force their child/children to participate in martial arts, if they do not wish to.
Ridicule or shout at their child/children or other students for making a mistake or failing a grading.
Publicly question the referee, judge, instructor or student’s decisions within a tournament, grading or training situation.
Use foul, sexist, racist language or gestures at any times.
Leave your child/children at the training venue/event, before the instructor has arrived.
Condone behaviour that contravenes the codes of conduct.
Bring young children or babies to watch classes, unless they are quiet. We can still hear noises through our closed doors.
Leave other siblings unattended at any of our club venues.
The Dojo Kun is composed of 5 essential precepts, that were devised by Master Funakoshi to become the perfect karateka.
Quotes From Master Funakoshi
"Karate begins and ends with courtesy"
"There is no first attack in karate"
"To win 1 hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill"