1) Monthly fees - We do not let students pay as they go. It is on a monthly basis only.
Students pay for a month of lessons (which has its benefits for them and us). Their monthly fees MUST be paid on the first lesson of each month. If they are absent on this lesson, then fees will be due the following week. Fees must be paid when 'signing in', which is BEFORE the warm-up begins.
Monthly fees are the only payment asked for on a regular basis. If students are ill or away on holiday their monthly fees still need to be paid in full. If they are only away for 1 or 2 lessons, then they can attend one of our other Zoku Club lessons to make up the missed one(s), free of charge...as long as it's within the same month. The 'make up' lesson(s) can be used before or after their absent one(s) within that month.
More & more students now go away during the summer for 4-6 weeks at a time. Monthly fees still need to be paid. Not only have we got your overheads to pay but we are still giving up our time to be there to teach students (even if they don't turn up) and we are keeping their place secure in the class, by keeping them on our registers. We do have waiting lists at many of our clubs, who are desperate for a place and would happily take someone's place on the register.
Fees are kept to a minimum amount and are charged to cover our costs. You will find that our fees are one of the lowest around. If fees are forgotten on pay night, you will unfortunately not be allowed to train and will be sent home (if adult) or sat out to wait for parent (if child). We know this may seem harsh, but we have to make sure we cover ourselves and provide a fair & safe service to all. You wouldn't go to a swimming pool and expect to be allowed to swim without paying their swim fee.
We accept payments by cash or bank transfer.
Students may attend extra lessons on top of their normal month and can be paid as you go. However, if you pay for them within your monthly fee, you will get a slight discount.
Some students pay in bulk. Paying 5 months in advance allows a student to get the 6th month half price and if a student pays 10 months in advance, then they will get months 11 and 12 at half price. This payment however is non-refundable if a student leaves and can not be transferred to another student.
2) Licence Renewal - When someone owns a gun, a licence is needed for legal reasons. This also applies to martial arts practitioners, as they are also seen as being dangerous. Licences need to be renewed every year. This payment is once a year and goes to the CMAA who issue your licence via their insurance company. You do not have to have a licence but if you hurt someone on purpose or by accident you will have to pay the compensation (which could run into thousands or millions of pounds). We at ZOKU will not allow anyone to train unless they have a valid licence.
3) Grading Fees - GRADING IS OPTIONAL!! We provide a grading (exam day) every 3 months and even if the instructor offers a grading to you, you do not have to grade every time. We sometimes suggest to higher grades that they may benefit from grading every 6 months rather than every 3 months (not to grade every time). This saves money, allows you to get the amount of lessons easier and makes the student more confident when tested.
4) Other Money - Competitions & Tournaments are open to all grades / ages and it is totally your choice if you decide to enter them. We provide a ZOKU Tournament once per year, as well as giving you the option of attending National and larger competitions.
Courses are also available to students. These can be first aid courses, instructor courses or karate courses where guest instructors visit. Again, these are not compulsory and you can pick and choose which ones you wish to attend.