Our first ever karate club was opened in Baldock, on Tuesday 9th April 1996. Yes, a whopping 20 years ago!
Sensei George and myself were just intermediate black belts at that time and were offered the opportunity to start a club together. We originally started our Tuesday classes in the Baldock town hall and due to its success we opened the Thursday and Sunday classes a few years later. We had approx 5 students on our opening night, which included Alan Robert Turner and Steve Pearce. Over the years we have changed venue and opened up several other clubs, including Symonds Green, Wheathampstead, Walkern, Kimpton and Ickleford (with Steve as instructor here). A couple of clubs didn't survive, but we continued strong.
It will also be 10 years in April, since we opened the Kimpton/Whitwell club and we can't believe how quickly time has passed.
We have helped 22 people to black belt or higher and a further 9 people to intermediate black belt. We have sadly lost a student who died of a heart attack but we have also created our very own association in 2010.
On Tuesday night we awarded Alan with his 20 year certificate for his continuous attendance and service. Steve had several years away from karate with study and work, so we are looking forward to the next big award going out to him in the future.